Nos machines à masques et charlottes
Machines for the medical and personal protective industries

Fully automated process, and continuous process to reach high production outputs: 9,600 pieces per hour for FFP2 masks, 12,000 pieces per hour for surgical masks, bouffant caps and 48,000 pieces per hour for gloves.

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Souder par ultrasons, Cera Ultrasonic
Machines to weld and/or cut by sonics

Continuous welding process. Different frequencies available. To only cut, to only weld or to simultaneously cut and weld.

Our latest ultrasonic welding machine: Cera 100

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Machines for cycle

De par l’historique de notre société et de la région, nous sommes présents dans ce domaine d’activité avec des machines telles que des machines pour profiler, scier, manchonner et percer les jantes de vélo.


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les machines Cera pour la lingerie
Machines for the Lingerie

We have been manufacturing and selling those machines for more than 30 years, all over the world. Our last version offers a strap collector at the exit of the machine. In the range you will also fin the Cera UltraStrap, The Cera 520.

See the machines

Cera Engineering

Expert in continuous ultrasonic welding process

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For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Visiting address 2 rue du huit mai 1945
BP12 - 42390 - Villars